Ongoing Projects

Kosovo Women for Women (KW4W) – Together Building Resilience
Technical support Countries: KS
ABCinENERGY - Advanced tools for Behavioural Change in energy consumption for Higher Education Stakeholders
Higher Education Management Countries: AT, RS, ES, IT, FR, LT
FILLO - Future Independent Life through Learning and Opportunities
Technical support Countries: KS
SHER - Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo
Higher Education Management Countries: KS
Empowerment for Strengthening Reproductive Health & Combating Period Poverty in Korogocho
Technical support Countries: KE
Lifelong Learning (LLL) Countries: AL, BA, KS, MK, ME, RS
FreeAc – Promoting Academic Freedom in Ukraine
Higher Education & Human Rights Countries: UA
Freedom of Expression Hub
Higher Education & Human Rights Countries: BA
Integrated Water Resources Management in Kosovo (IWRM-K)
Technical support Countries: KS
INTEC – International Engineering Competence Centres to push sustainable mobility development in Albania and Montenegro
Human Resource Development Countries: AL, AT, HR, ME, DE
Volunteering in Sports - VSport
Human Resource Development Countries: AT, BG, HR, RS, ES, DE, PL
Child Protection Hub for Southeast Europe (ChildHub)
Technical support Countries: AL, BA, BG, HR, KS, MD, RO, RS
PROSPER - PROmoting Social entrePreneurship in higher Education for a prospeRous society
Curriculum Development Countries: AT, BG, HR, PL, GR
DEAPS - Developing Educators’ Artistic Practice in Schools
New Teaching Methods and Technologies Countries: AT, DE, IT, GR, UK, IS
ORIENT - Young explorers re-discover local communities through orienteering
Human Resource Development Countries: AT, BA, BG, IT, GR, CY
Higher Education Management Countries: KS
KnowHub - Reconnecting universities and enterprises to unleash regional innovation and entrepreneurial activity
Practice-oriented Education Countries: AL, BA, ME
DUALSCI - Strengthening capacities for the implementation of dual education in BH higher education
Practice-oriented Education Countries: BA
SEEVAL – Social and Emotional Education - Building Inclusive Schools and Ownership of Values
New Teaching Methods and Technologies Countries: AT, BG, RO, IT, GR, MT