Ongoing Projects

Freedom of Expression Hub

Target area: Higher Education & Human Rights
Sub-target area: Higher Education & Human Rights
Target countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Duration: January 2024 - June 2026
Partners: JABIH EU
Budget line: EuropeAid

Project description

The Overall objective of the Project is to contribute to a comprehensive, human- rights based understanding of freedom of expression that creates trust in democratic institutions in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Specific Objective 1 is to support and empower civil society (youth and youth CSOs) in BiH to understand and promote the right to freedom of expression and its limitations through partnership with media professionals and representatives of the judiciary;

Specific Objective 2 is to create a knowledge-based hub and develop capacities of youth and media professionals to address misinformation, hate speech, misogyny, and defamation.

Main deliverables will include:

  • Design of a Freedom of Expression Toolkit (FoE Toolkit) enabling young people and media professionals to gain knowledge and practical skills as well as comprehensive understanding of freedom of expression, misinformation, hate speech, misogyny, and defamation;
  • Organisation of trainings for young people and media professionals on content and application of the Toolkit on Freedom of Expression and their roles as Freedom of Expression Ambassadors, including media training
  • Organisation of locally contextualised pilot activities by Freedom of Expression Ambassadors with local media, judiciary, governments, youth CSO
  • Youth Peer-to-Peer Dialogue panels
  • Organisation of a youth ambassadors conference
  • Drafting of recommendations for policy makers on safeguarding the right to freedom of expression
  • Media campaigns

Important Documents & Links
Contact persons

MMag.a Bernadette Holzer, E.MA - Louise Sperl - Graz Office

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