SHER – Expert visit to Kosovo and participation in BRIDGE Conference
From November 20 to 22, 2024, Louise Sperl/WUS Austria conducted an expert visit in the scope of the SHER Programme. During the visit, a number of stakeholder consultations were conducted to identify and address current social, human rights, and gender-related needs within the higher education landscape and ways to address them within the scope of the SHER Programme. Consultations included the Center for Students with Special Needs at the University of Prishtina, academic staff from University Prishtina and Prizren, the Kosovo Women’s Network and the organization Voice of Roma, Ashkali and Egyptians (VORAE). Louise Sperl further provided a keynote speech at the International Scientific Conference: Bridge 2024 in Prizren, on “Bridging Education and Innovation for Advancing Science and Society.” Her presentation, titled "Gender Equality in Higher Education – An International Perspective with Pathways for Kosovo," highlighted the importance of gender equality in the higher education sector and offered actionable recommendations tailored to Kosovo’s context.
The programme SHER - Sustainable Higher Education and Research in Kosovo aims to contribute to a sustainable, evidence-based, needs-oriented and gender-responsive Higher Education and Research sector in Kosovo that is in line with the principles of EHEA, ERA, and SDG 4 and 9 and is implemented by WUS Austria (project lead) together with ZSI and OeAD and is funded by the Austrian Development Cooperation and co-financed by the Kosovo Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI).