Ongoing Projects

QA@UPPZ - Strategic Support for the development of Sustainable QA Structures at the Newly Public Founded University in Kosova, University of Prizren

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: Quality Assurance
Target countries: Kosovo
Duration: 15.10.2011 - 14.10.2014

Osnabruck University of Applied Sciences
University of Prizren
University of Edinburgh
University of Girona
Chalmers University of Technology
Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosova
Kosova Accreditation Agency
WUS Kosova

Budget line: Tempus IV

Project description

The Joint Tempus Project "Strategic support for the development of sustainable Quality Assurance (QA) structures at the newly public founded university in Kosova, University of Prizren" has the aim to provide strategic support to setting-up a framework for QA at all university levels. Furthermore, the  project aims at supporting the UPPZ in adapting and implementing Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA and on achieving the objectives of the Bologna process, Strategy of Higher Education in Kosovo for the period 2005-2015, Kosova Education Strategic Plan 2011-2016, Europe 2020 Strategy, as well as the Strategic Framework for European Cooperation in education and training.

The project consist of the following specific MAIN specific objectives:

1.To develop a QA Strategy in line with the Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA. The intention is to create a sustainable QA system for UPPZ, including formal standards, policies, procedures and other necessary mechanisms for quality self assessment which are in full accordance with the standards of ENQA report on Standards and Guidelines for QA in the EHEA and Bologna Declaration. The developed Strategy will become an integral part of UPPZ and will be used as a main framework document for creating a sustainable quality culture.

2. To provide capacity and institution building through establishing a QA office, IRO & SSS and development of training modules for teaching and administrative staff of UPPZ which reflects ENQA standards and are in line with Bologna Declaration. The UPPZ staff will have the opportunity to conduct study visits at partner institutions with aim of getting best practices in regard to QA.

Important Documents & Links

project website: 

Contact persons

Merita Fehmiu - Prishtina Office

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