Ongoing Projects

Brain Gain Program

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: The Brain Gain Program
Target countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Kosovo, Montenegro, Serbia
Budget line:

Project description

The Brain Gain Program (BGP) is aimed at breaking the academic isolation of the universities, by inviting qualified academics originating from the region to lecture cses, which are not available at the SEE university faculties. These professors, assistant or experts in relevant fields who emigrated from former Yugoslavia are going to be invited to come back to the region to teach as guest lecturers - for several days up to 3 weeks - at faculties/departments in the region.

This type of international scientific exchange and cooperation is not only considered to be important for the development of the universities in SEE, it also has a "brain gain-effect", although it is not targeted at the final return of the emigrated academics. Even though this would be desirable, it is not realistic due to the current situation in the region. Nevertheless, the Brain Gain Program is foreseen as a very effective mean to link these guest lecturers to already existing networks in their home countries and make them a driving force of knowledge transfer and quality assurance in their countries of origin.

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