Ongoing Projects

eLearning Program

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: New Teaching Methods and Technologies
Target countries: Montenegro, Serbia
Budget line:

Project description

During 2004/05 WUS Austria has implemented First Phase of the eLearning Program for Serbia and Montenegro (eLTF - eLearning Task Force) with the overall aim to create collaborative environment between academic community and stakeholders in Serbia and Montenegro , which should result in common and standardized approach in this area. It resulted in creation of eLearning Task Force consisting of representatives of all universities, who created and adopted a set of recommendations concerning the development of eEducation. The final step consisted in forming university eLearning Centers, which should be a basis for promotion and development of eLearning at Universities in Serbia and Montenegro .

The notion of the potential that eLearning has for education development and the interest shown by the university practitioners in Serbia and Montenegro, inspired WUS Austria to start a Second Phase of an eLearning Program. Its implementation shall start from November 2005, and last till end of 2007.

Overall aim of the eLearning Program is to support various developments at the universities which will lead to better access and more cost-effective delivery of education services while using available education technology. To reach this aim all relevant actors in the higher education community should be involved and adequate WUS Austria support offered to them.

eLearning Program has four main components:

  1. Support to eLearning Task Force - support to education policy development at the national level
  2. Support to eLearning Centers - support to institutional development at the university level
  3. Grants for eLearning Projects - grants for projects developed at the faculty/university level (for details, download the eLearning Projects instructions)
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