Ongoing Projects

Knowledge Transfer for the Establishment of a Business Start-Up Center at the University of Tuzla

Target area: Linking Higher Education & Society
Sub-target area: Structural Instruments for Research and Development
Target countries: Austria, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Duration: June 2004 - March 2006

University of Leoben, University of Tuzla, Austin, Pock & Partners

Budget line: Austrian Development Cooperation
Amount (€): 54.850,00

Project description

The present project supports the establishment of a Business Start-up Centre at the University Tuzla in BH. The general objective of the project is to prepare students and university graduates from the region for entrepreneurship and to promote entrepreneurial issues at the university. The Business Start-up Centre is designed to develop and transfer knowledge about the enterprise process and to encourage students and university graduates to examine entrepreneurship as a viable career option. The focus of the new enterprises should be innovation and sustainability.

WUS Austria and the Partners (Austin, Pock & Partners GmbH – ZAT GmbH) will transfer the specific know-how in the field of labour market policies, institution building and, in particular, entrepreneurship training-advising and coaching during the process of entrepreneurship.

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Contact persons

Mag. Almir (Adi) Kovačević - Graz Office

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