Ongoing Projects

Support to Innovative Project ideas in the Field of academic Cooperation and Exchange between Austrian and Montenegrin Higher Education Institutions Support to Reforms of Higher Education

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: Academic Mobility and Cooperation
Target countries: Austria, Montenegro
Duration: November 2007 - October 2010

University of Montenegro

Budget line: Austrian Development Cooperation
Amount (€): 60.000,00

Project description

The Innovative Project Ideas in the Field of Academic Cooperation and Exchange between Austrian and Montenegrin Higher Education Institutions will enhance the exchange of students, professors and assistants between the University of Montenegro and Austrian HE institutions. The long-term objective is to establish sustainable cooperation between the University of Montenegro and Austrian HE institutions and thus contribute to capacity building processes at the University of Montenegro. The project is open for all faculties of the University of Montenegro and all Austrian universities.

Aims of the project:

  • To enable and support academic mobility for the mentioned target groups between Austria and Montenegro
  • To contribute to teaching and curriculum development, development of modern and innovative teaching methodologies and materials
  • To contribute to sustainable institutional cooperation through contacts that are made within this project
  • To enable exchange of experiences and transfer of knowledge in both directions

for the first call for the Innovative Project Ideas is 31st of March 2009.
Selection panel will take place in April 2009.

APPLICATION DEADLINE for the second call  for the Innovative Project Ideas is 30th of September 2009.
Selection panel will take place in October 2009.

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