INTERCAP - Raising public awareness of development issues and promoting development education in the European Union
Target area: | Higher Education & Human Rights |
Sub-target area: | Higher Education & Human Rights |
Target countries: | Austria, Bulgaria, Croatia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Poland, Slovenia, United Kingdom |
Duration: | 01/11/2017 - 31/10/2020 |
Partners: | CARDET – Centre for the Advancement of Research and Development in Educational Technology, Cyprus (co-ordinator) World University Service, German Committee Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej, Poland Institute for Global Education and Projects Development, Slovenia Diversity Development Group, Lithuania Kopin (Koperazzjoni Internazzjonali – Malta) EURO-training, Bulgaria Family and Childcare Centre (KMOP), Greece Oxfam Italia Intercultura ICU – Istituto per la Cooperazione Universitaria Onlus, Italy SVEUČILIŠTE U SPLITU (UNIVERSITY OF SPLIT), Croatia LIVERPOOL WORLD CENTRE, UK KMGNE - Kolleg für Management und Gestaltung Nachhaltiger Entwicklung GmbH, Germany
Budget line: | EuropeAid |
Project description
The project aims to enhance critical understanding of migration and sustainable development, in the context of SDGs, amongst those in teacher education, in order to increase comprehension of the relationship between the interdependent world, (in)-security and risk.
The specific objectives of the project are a) to ensure coherence and consistency in the delivery of development education on migration, sustainable development, and the interdependencies across local and global contexts; b.) to enhance development education competencies amongst CSOs’ and University teacher trainers ad c.) to increase the availability of quality content and critical development education pedagogies in teacher training.
For this purpose, INTERCAP will establish European CSO-university networks, build the capacities of the education actors, promote global learning on migration, security and sustainable development in an interdependent world. InterCap will address challenges related to the abovementioned fields at the national level in parallel with a European outreach through Communities of Practice, International Trainings, Mentoring, Networks, International Conferences, digital resources and an eLearning platform. At the national context, these challenges will be addressed through extensive training of teachers’ trainers (from CSOs and Universities) and pre-service teachers (along with in-service where applicable), beyond the formal education context, placements/internships (work-based learning) and Communal Practice Orientated Projects with CSOs, LAs, Universities and schools.