MLS4Eng - Professional Development Courses for Engineering Management and Leadership Skills
Target area: | Linking Higher Education & Society |
Sub-target area: | Practice-oriented Education |
Target countries: | North Macedonia |
Duration: | 01/09/2015 - 01/10/2017 |
Partners: | -Institute for Research in Environment, Civil Engineering and Energy in Skopje |
Budget line: | Strategic Partnership, ERASMUS + |
Project description
The major aim of the project is to jointly develop and implement professional development courses for engineering management and leadership skills, which will address European standards for management and leadership, as well as be built on rigorous research evidence and principles of adult education. The professional development courses for management and leadership skills will be modular and practice-oriented, and will overcome skills mismatches and increase management and leadership competencies of engineers working on managerial positions in Macedonia, and in the region prospectively. The second aim of the project is to develop learning environment, online courses, webinars, which will offer flexibility and will be adapted according to learning preferences of adult.
The project is also oriented towards training of adult trainers, on relevant topics in adult education: Efficient ways to develop curriculum for adult education; New methodology and innovative ways of training adult learners; Educational methodology and ICT; and Innovative and learner-centered approaches in adult education.