Ongoing Projects

ALLED - Aligning Education with Labour Market Needs (Kosovo)

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: Higher Education Management
Target countries: Kosovo
Duration: 15/02/2015-15/11/2017

bit management

KulturKontakt Austria (KKA)

WIFI Croatia

Budget line: Austrian Development Cooperation on behalf of the European Union

Project description

The overall objective of the project “ALLED - Aligning Education with Labour Market Needs (Kosovo)” is to strengthen the quality and relevance of education programmes and the link between education and the labour market as a precondition for employability and economic development. It seeks to advance cooperation and dialogue between education institutions and social partners.

The project is targeted at reaching three main results:


1. Strengthen the link between Higher Education and labour market needs through the development, modernisation and quality reform of higher education programmes to meet labour market needs:

A selected number of priority study programmes at Higher Education Institutions (HEIs), notably of public universities, will be reviewed, revised and modernised to respond to labour market needs and European quality standards following a needs assessment of the labour market. Furthermore, the HEI curriculum for pre-service teacher training will be modernised and quality improved and harmonised with the new Kosovo curriculum for schools. HEIs will develop and implement Diploma supplements that help orient graduates towards employment opportunities. The capacity of relevant University/Faculty management and teaching staff will be enhanced, particularly in relation to pre-service teacher training services.


2. Ensure that the National Qualification Framework (NQF) is successfully implemented with validated qualifications offered by accredited institutions at Levels 1 – 5 of the framework:

Qualifications awarded by secondary vocational education programmes will be reviewed to meet the NQA’s criteria for validation, including qualifications at different NQF levels. Further on, professional qualifications will be reviewed and a diverse range of exemplar qualifications, based on occupational standards, will be developed at NQF levels 1 – 5. The capacity of VET institutions and stakeholders (including social partners) will be developed to provide qualifications meeting the NQA’s criteria for validation. The effectiveness of quality assurance arrangements for VET qualifications will be evaluated and improvements made.

3. Improve the quality of practical and applied teaching and learning (in VET schools in core occupational sectors relevant to labour market needs).

VET teachers will be provided with advanced training in use of essential materials and equipment required for VET teaching. A needs assessment of VET school equipment will be undertaken and technical specifications for VET equipment will be drawn-up for a selected number of VET schools. Based on the results, a selected number of VET schools will be supplied with modern equipment required for practical learning to deliver VET training programm. Furthermore, training and learning materials on the use of new equipment will be provided.

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