WUS 100 - Global Conference on Human Right to Quality Education

SDG4 and the Human Right to Quality Education for All: An Agenda for Action
WHAT | A global conference on SDG 4 and the Right to Quality Education for All |
WHO | Organised by World University Service (WUS), with 100 years of experience |
WHERE | University of Vienna, Austria |
WHEN | September 21-23, 2021; in the evening of September 22: WUS100 jubilee celebration at the University of Vienna |
WHY | Discuss with experts on the issues of education for sustainable development, academic freedom and civic space & access to education for migrants, and take stock on our progress toward SDG 4. Be there to become a part of an ambitious agenda that will turn these commitments into action. |
Find the Agenda and the Contributions by our Speakers here.
Watch the recordings from the WUS 100 conference at the WUS100 YouTube Channel.
Read through the Vienna Declaration.
Get to know our Speakers.
Browse through the WUS Centenary Publication 100 Years WUS.
Visit the WUS Centenary Website.
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SDG 4: Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Everyone has the right to a quality education, from primary to post-secondary education. SDG 4 commits the global community to ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education while promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all, including targets on gender equality, inclusive education facilities, teacher training, skills for employment, and more. Accordingly, SDG 4 provides an important framework for our collective work.
Global Conference on the Human Right to Quality Education
In honour of its centennial the World University Service (WUS) is hosting a global conference on the right to quality education in Vienna, Austria from September 21-23, 2021.
Within the framework of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 4 - the right to quality education – the conference focuses on global challenges learners, educators and educational institutions, but also countries, economies and governments are facing when it comes to shrinking civic spaces in education, access to education for refugees, migrants and girls as well as access to inclusive and quality education for sustainable development (ESD) and global citizenship. The conference will address key areas such as innovation and quality assurance to achieve excellence, human rights and learning impact in situations of forced migration or how to maintain civic space in education, because we believe that they are necessary in making educational services work for all. Particular emphasis is given to youth perspectives and connecting those with the experience of senior educators and experts.
To this end, the event brings together experts and participants from different sectors and groups: educators and education designers, policy makers, experts from international agencies and civil society activists, persons from businesses, students from different backgrounds, and many more. Many WUS alumni of recent decades have contributed ideas and enthusiasm. We listen to what motivates and what worries the various stakeholders, respecting the different perspectives, and bringing actors together in transforming education in order to better equip persons to use education for their personal development and for society in general.
With the Vienna Declaration we will outline a framework as well as quality standards and criteria in order to set an ambitious agenda that will help us to turn these commitments into action.
As we near the five-year mark of the SDGs, there is a need for the global community to take stock on our progress toward SDG 4, identify current gaps and opportunities, and discuss the roles and responsibilities that we all share in ensuring that all children and youth can enjoy their right to a quality education.
In this context, World University Service (WUS), together with the University of Vienna and the Austrian Ministry of Education, Science and Research as well as the Central European University (CEU) in Vienna will host a global conference on SDG4 and the Right to Quality Education: An Agenda for Action in Vienna, Austria in September 2021, focusing on global challenges of quality education in the context of academic freedom, migration and education for sustainable development.
We will explore the roles of public and private actors, and emerging technologies and educational methodologies that together expand access and achieve better learning opportunities and outcomes for all - particularly for disadvantaged persons, displaced, poorly served and otherwise marginalised communities like girls education and refugee education.
Find out more about the history of the World University Service.
Who you will meet
Get together with representatives from international and national organisations as well as individuals working in the field of education from EU, UNESCO, governmental organisations, educational institutions, NGOs, and from the business sector. WUS alumni will bring historical memories. We want to especially provide opportunities for young people to come and join the conference!
Where you will meet
Fundraising and Friend-Raising
WUS centennial activities are made possible through the financial contributions – small and large – of generous individuals around the world, including through individual donations and sponsoring, and specific funding projects. Also, we have set up worldwide working groups who are tasked with preparations for the WUS jubilee celebrations and we invite all WUS alumni to join us in the planning process!
Please contact us if you would like to receive more information about making a financial contribution or how to volunteer in the WUS jubilee celebrations.
Investment Opportunity and How to Get Involved
- We are looking for smart thinkers and developers with creative ideas to shape the topics of the conference – be there and join the discussion!
- You can show your involvement in this important event by sponsoring a speaker or participants with limited financial resources!
- You can also contribute by helping us on the ground as volunteer during the days of the event!
- If you have a personal connection to WUS come and share your story!
World University Service (WUS) Austria
Maria Rottensteiner
Schmiedgasse 40/3, A-8010 Graz
+43 316 38 22 58 22
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Individual WUS sponsors and Alumni