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WUS Austria Information Meeting on Cooperation Possibilities for Austrian Universities within new ADC-Projects in Vienna

Vienna. On Tuesday, June 24th, WUS Austria organised an information meeting with the aim to inform about cooperation possibilities for Austrian universities within the projects 2007-2010 / 2008-2011, financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation. Around 30 university representatives participated in the meeting which took place in the Urania in Vienna.

All four local WUS offices were represented at the meeting and offered a unique opportunity for the interested audience to discuss the possibilities for cooperating with Bosnian, Kosovar, Montenegrin or Serbian universities directly.

The main aim of the meeting was to introduce the new WUS Austria projects supporting the development of labour market oriented study programs and curricula in SEE universities to the representatives of Austrian HE institutions, especially since the cooperation with an Austrian higher education institution is a key component of these projects and several SEE faculties who would like to participate in the project are still looking for an Austrian cooperation partner.

Currently, the call for proposals is open in the whole region and faculties can apply at WUS Austria local offices until September 2008.

After a general presentation of WUS Austria and the new programs by Adi Kovacevic, Executive Director of WUS Austria, the presentations of the local offices, the situation of Higher Education in the different countries, and the specifics of the different country programs were presented by Goran Ostojic and Dusan Bugarski, Belgrade Office; Nina Kovac, Sarajevo Office; But Dedaj, Prishtina Office and Mladenka Tesic, Podgorica Office.

After the presentations, WUS Austria invited the participant for a cocktail to the Urania bar where direct contacts were established and concrete ideas were discussed. There were several statements of interest to cooperate with an SEE university in developing labour market oriented study programs.

Also the newly opened BGP+ call, where SEE faculties can invite guest lecturers but – as a new component – also researchers for a short-term stay or a long-term stay (up to one semester) to their institution to fill the gap in the local teaching and research capacities, attracted a lot of interest among the participants.

For more information on the new programs, please go to the websites of the local offices or follow the link on the start page.

The presentations can be downloaded here:

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