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FreeAc Project Launches Website to Support Academic Freedom Amidst Ukrainian Conflict

WUS Austria is pleased to announce that the official website of the FreeAc project has been launched.

With the website now live at, individuals and institutions can access information about the project's objectives, activities, and partners.

In the wake of the ongoing conflict in Ukraine, where the immediate repercussions are palpable, there's a silent yet significant drain of academic talent. Casualties, displacement, expert emigration, and the disruption of educational services are not only affecting individuals but also undermining academic values, notably academic freedom.

Recognizing this critical issue, the FreeAc project has stepped in with a bold mission: to enhance academic freedom for Ukrainian academia, students, and staff, especially those who are displaced or confined due to the conflict. Funded by Erasmus+, FreeAc aims to provide vital support, resources, and avenues for intellectual exploration in the face of adversity.

Join us in supporting the FreeAc project as it endeavors to preserve academic freedom in Ukraine and beyond. Visit the newly launched FreeAc website to learn more and become part of this transformative initiative. Together, let's stand in solidarity with Ukrainian academia as they navigate the complexities of conflict and continue their pursuit of knowledge and freedom.

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