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Session 2.1

SEEVAL - International Trainers' Training on SEL, Session 2

On June 8 we participated in an inspiring online training session on Embedding SEL in the Secondary School Curriculum led by Prof. Maurice Elias from Rutgers University, USA.

Some of the powerful insights we learned during the session:

- Students only learn from people they love

It is not simply the facts we learn - it is the people from whome we learn the facts. Relationships are an important element what students take from their learning experience.

- Emotions are central to all our students´ learning

- College and Career success are mediated by EQ at least as much as IQ

- People cannot learn if they are not valued

This was the second online session of our SEEVAL project International Trainers´ Training.

To find out more about the SEEVAL project visit:


Slides  © Maurice J. Elias, Ph.D. 2021

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