HERAS: Official Kick-Off of Advanced Programmatic Partnership Project held in Salzburg
Salzburg. From 28 February to 2 March, the HERAS team attended the kick-off event of the advanced Programmatic Partnership project “Industrial Collaboration in Product Design Education” that will be implemented between the University of Applied Sciences in Ferizaj (UASF) and Salzburg University of Applied Sciences (SUAS). The event took place in Salzburg, Austria where the high-level visit from the UASF and SUAS discussed and where also working meetings between both institutions took place.
Both parties have agreed that the project will focus on the continuous development of academic and scientific capabilities of the students and will prepare them for the labour market in Ferizaj and the region taking into account the experiences from Salzburg, Austria. In addition, during the kick-off the representatives of both universities signed a Memorandum of Understanding that aims to support smooth and successful implementation of the project activities. Noteworthy, the abovementioned project was selected for funding through the HERAS programmatic partnership calls and is one among 5 similar projects that will be implemented in the period 2018-2019. HERAS team will follow-up and monitor the implementation of this important project.