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PhD@UP Tempus: Workshop on International Research Standards and Study Visit at the University of Granada, January 30 to February 1, 2012

Granada. On January 30, a workshop on international research standards was organised by the University of Granada, in order to discuss the following four areas necessary for the proper design of research and development activities in the frame of the PhD program in Food Science and Technology, to be implemented at the University of Prishtina:

  1. Human resources
  2. Infrastructure
  3. International cooperation
  4. Links with economy and society

The main aim of this workshop, with participants from the University of Prishtina and the Ministry for Education, Science and Technology for Kosovo and from the University of Granada, the Technical University of Munich, the Austrian Exchange Service OeAD and WUS Austria, was to take a final decision on research equipment to be purchased for the PhD program, in line with the needs of economy and society in Kosovo and with the human resources available at the three faculties that will implement the interdisciplinary PhD program.

The presentation and tour through the facilities of the Institute of Nutrition of the University of Granada gave an impressive overview of the research activities, projects and cooperations of the Institute.

In the following two days, four representatives of the teaching staff of the PhD program in Prishtina had the chance to meet with their Spanish counterparts and discuss the concrete ways and topics of cooperation within the PhD program in terms of joint teaching, supervision of students, and further cooperation possibilities between the two institutions.

All in all, the workshop and study visit were very successful and supported the staff of the University of Prishtina to finalise the curriculum, the equipment list and define the main research areas for the prospective PhD students.

To see the agenda of the meeting in Granada, please click here.

To find out more about the project check out the project website.


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