Lifelong Learning at the University of Montenegro
Podgorica. A two-day workshop within the project “Development of the Lifelong Learning Concept at the University of Montenegro” took place on 23-24 June 2011 at the University of Montenegro. Presentations and discussions on the first day evolved around the issues of the historical development of the Lifelong Learning (LLL) concept and knowledge-based society, the role of universities in LLL - widening access, flexible learning paths and recognition of prior learning, existing legislation and offers in the area of adult learning, presented by the representatives of the University of Montenegro and local partners. Representatives of the EU universities gave an overview of programs designed to attract wider adult learners population and meet the labor market needs, quality issues in LLL, LLL strategies at Danish universities– from policy to implementation, Lifelong Learning: a networking experience in Belgium, Spain´s strategies in LLL in HE and the Austrian LLL experience. The second day was devoted to discussing concrete steps in the development of the LLL strategy at the University of Montenegro and group work thereof. Click here to download the presentations and the agenda.
The project “Development of the Lifelong Learning Concept at the University of Montenegro” aims at improving the learning opportunities in Montenegrin society at large and achieving higher employability through the development of a LLL university strategy, by enabling wider access to higher education, incorporating non-formal and informal education into the overarching national qualification framework and enhancing partnerships with relevant social partners. The two-year project is coordinated by the University of Montenegro in partnership with KU Leuven, University of Aarhus, University of Alicante, WUS Austria, and the local partners: Ministry of Education and Science, Chamber of Economy of Montenegro, Centre for Vocational Education and National Employment Bureau of Montenegro.