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Support to HE in Kosovo: Seminar/Workshop organized in Prishtina

Prishtina. In the frame of the projects “Support to Higher Education in Kosovo 2008-2011” , financed by the Austrian Development Cooperation, implemented by WUS Austria and the project “Interculturalism and the Bologna Process”, an EU funded project managed by European Commission Liaison Office and implemented by the Council of Europe, the following events  organized: “Learning Outcomes” Seminar and a Workshop on “The role of Qualifications Frameworks development in Higher Education Reform”.

The seminar: “Learning Outcomes” 14th – 15th June, 2011

The opening session consisted of opening speeches given by:  Prof. Dr. Mujë Rugova, Rector of the University of Prishtina, Mr. Emir Adzovic, Program Coordinator of Interculturalism and Bologna Process and Mr. sc. But Dedaj, Regional Manager of WUS Austria, Kosovo.

The aim of the seminar to present the academic staff of all faculties of the UP with the relevance; dos and don’ts and the quality of designing learning outcomes on program and course levels. During the seminar all the academic staff had the possibility to address concrete problems faced with the learning outcomes design.


Workshop on:  “The role of Qualifications Frameworks development in Higher Education Reform” 16th -17th June, 2011

The objectives of workshop were: To progress the development of Kosovo Education Qualifications Framework (KHEQF); Curriculum Development and the Framework for HE Qualifications; Implications of Quality Assurance to HE in Kosovo; and priorities and next steps that should be taken.

Participants of the workshop: Management of UP, academic staff of the Faculty of Philology, private companies, Kosovo Accreditation Agency (KAA), Ministry of Education Science and Technology (MEST), Kosova Chamber of Commerce (KCC), National Qualification Authority, European  Commision, students representatives and other interested parties interested to follow the workshop.


The events were led by the following European experts: Prof. Volker Gehmlich, University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück, Prof. Stephen Adam, University of Westminister, London, UK  and Ms. Karen Roberts, Council of Europe expert.


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