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Cross Sector Internship Program: Organization of the training “Academic and Business Writing” and “Presentation Skills”

Prishtina. Within the project: “Cross Sector Internship Program”, which is financed by USAID/KPEP, and implemented by WUS Austria, Prishtina Office, one-day training seminar was held for forty interns who conduct their internships at different public and non-public institutions of Kosovo. The topics of the one-day training were:

·         “Academic and Business Writing” and

·         “Presentation Skills”.

The Academic and Business writing part of the training aimed to prepare interns for: academic essay writing; the process of writing in its different stages (planning, drafting, revising and proofreading); techniques of quotation and bibliography composition; within the section business writing the attention was focused on: writing effective business Emails; how to write formal and professional Emails, how to make a good first impression and how to avoid the undermining of excellent work or idea by poor communication.

The second part of the training, Presentation Skills, was focused on: identifying essential elements of an effective presentation; describing challenges and benefits of effective speaking skills; listing the elements of a successful presentations and delineate types and methods of presentations.

During the training students showed a great interest, and raised important and interesting questions about the topics at hand.

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