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Labour Market Oriented Curriculum Development Training Seminar

The seminar is one of the activities foreseen within the Labour Market Oriented Curriculum Programme implementation, where new chair programmes will be introduced at four different faculties of the University of Montenegro: Faculty of Maritime Science, Faculty of Natural Science and Mathematics, Faculty of Physiotherapy and Faculty of Tourism and Hotel Management.

The opening speech was given by Mr Andjelko Lojpur (Vice-Rector of The University ofMontenegro) and Mr Gerhard Schaumberger, representative of the AustrianDevelopment Cooperation in Montenegro.

Speakers and presentations at the seminar were as follows:

  • Academia vs. Profession: Architecture - regional experience – Dr. Marko Savic, Faculty of Architecture, Belgrade
  • Developing gender sensitive curricula - Irena Boskovic, Government Office for Gender Equality


The two-day seminar consisted of presentations given by local and international experts, and workshops where concrete issues were discussed and next steps defined for the curricula development. The seminar also provided an inspiring environment for the exchange of experiences between experts and participants in relevant areas of expertise. The agenda of the seminar can be downloaded here

The seminar was attended by around thirty participants, mainly representatives of the University of Montenegro, business sector, ministriesand the media.

List of participants



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