Ongoing Projects

Competence@University of Prishtina

Target area: Linking Higher Education & Society
Sub-target area: Human Resource Development
Target countries: Kosovo
Duration: 15/10/2010 – 14/04/0214

FH Joanneum, AT (Contractor);

University of Prishtina, KOS;

Fundación General de la Universidad de Alicante;

Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven; University of Girona;

C.A.T.T.I.D. Università degli studi di Roma “La Sapienza”;

Kosovo Accreditation Agency;

Ministry of Education Science and Technology 


Budget line: TEMPUS IV Grant

Project description

Competence@University of Prishtina (CUP) is a follow-up of a Tempus project “Competence” that has been implemented in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia since 2009. CUP addresses the missing link between HE and economy in Kosovo and it aims at developing and / or advancing procedures and tools for assessing and improving the match between competences developed by institutions of higher education and those required by the labour market in Kosovo.

Observed from the European perspective, CUP is aimed at bringing the HE systems of Kosovo one step closer to the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), thus also to the European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by providing instruments for “external” quality assurance.

The project has the following four specific objectives:

1) To found a Competence and Observatory Centre (COC) which will serve as a national knowledge transfer and training centre for relevant stakeholders and as a service centre for the university

2) To install info terminals (student guidance system) for students, professors and visitors of the University of Prishtina on 32 strategic locations at the UP campuses

3) To develop or advance methodology and tools for assessing the match between skills and competences developed by institutions of higher education and those required by the labour market in Kosovo and develop recommendations for curricula adaptation at the University of Prishtina

4) To conduct the knowledge/skills/competences analysis based on two pilot study projects for later good practice examples

Important Documents & Links

Project website:

Contact persons

MMag. Ines Šuh - Graz Office

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