Ongoing Projects

Course Development Program + (CDP+) Support to Reforms of Higher Education

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: Curriculum Development
Target countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Serbia
Budget line:

Project description

CDP+ is a further development and improvement of the previous Course Development (CDP) and the infrastructure program (CEP) of WUS Austria, and after almost 2 years of implementation, we can proudly say that CDP+ was a great success.

The CDP+ program supports the improvement of faculty courses (subjects), with the objective to facilitate the transition of higher education in SEE towards European standards. This program encourages the faculties to introduce new subjects and to apply innovative approaches - in content and methodology - to already existing courses. Besides the prerequisite of innovation, the CDP+ places special emphasis on (1) the relevance of the proposed course for the practical application, and in order to facilitate the integration into the European Higher Education Area on (2) the cooperation with EU universities.

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