Ongoing Projects

Skomrahi: linking creativity 2007 – 2009

Target area: Technical Support
Sub-target area: Technical support
Target countries: Austria, North Macedonia
Duration: November 2007 - November 2009

Faculty of Dramatic Arts, University of Skopje

Budget line: Austrian Development Cooperation
Amount (€): 416.800,00

Project description

SKOMRAHI is an international meeting for film and drama students from South Eastern Europe and Austria which is held in Skopje/ FYR Macedonia and has the aim of strengthening regional cooperation of drama academies and encouraging the knowledge exchange. Another very important aspect of SKOMRAHI is the fostering of interethnic cooperation and communication as well as the creation of a positive attitude towards regional cooperation and identity. At the same time, the Festival stimulates the production of fine arts in South Eastern Europe.

In 2006, SKOMRAHI celebrated its 15th anniversary and hosted almost 200 students and professors. Fifteen theatre plays, three movie projections, two workshops and one International conference on “Theatre and Identity” were held. The project is implemented by WUS Austria and organized by the Faculty for Dramatic Arts from Skopje. The Austrian Federal Ministry for European and International Affairs/ Austrian Developing Agency has been the main financier of the Festival since 2001.

In the current circle the following activities are planned to be held each year:

  • One week Meeting for students of Film and Drama Academies from South-Eastern Europe and Austria
  • 5 Workshops
  • 1 International Conference
  • 1 International Workshop - Co-production of a theatre play and/ or a film based on cooperation between at least two Theatre and/ or Drama Academies. It is envisaged that the film and/ or the play be shown not only during SKOMRAHI, but also in national theatres of the participating countries.
Contact persons

Mag.a Nina Beširević - Graz Office

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