Ongoing Projects

The Role of Stakeholders in Quality Assurance Procedures at BiH Medical Faculties

Target area: Higher Education Development
Sub-target area: Quality Assurance
Target countries: Bosnia and Herzegovina
Duration: September 2007 – September 2009

all Universities in BiH; Katholieke Hogeschool Sint-Lieven, Belgium; Medical University of Vienna, Austria; Dublin Institute of Technology, Ireland; and staff from all Ministries of Health in BiH and WUS Austria

Budget line: TEMPUS Grant

Project description

The overall aim of this project with WUS Austria as a partner is to contribute to the harmonization of medical faculties’ curricula with EU medical education standards in cooperation with internal and external stakeholders, as an inevitable part of the Bologna principles implementation regarding ECTS and curriculum development toward a more competence based education.
Specifically, it is planned to produce an inventory of available knowledge and competencies of medicine graduates. Furthermore, testing procedures of learning outcomes are to be developed for undergraduate medical education in cooperation with internal and external stakeholders. Therefore, a Resonance Committee on medical education is to be established as well as an interuniversity pilot centre for medical training for the introduction of a market oriented approach in medical education reform processes.
All these measures are planned to lead towards more competence based curricula in Bosnian medical education.

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Contact persons

Mag. Almir (Adi) Kovačević - Graz Office

Dr. Dino Mujkić - Sarajevo Office

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